Jennifer the Superhero
by William E. Perry
Jennifer Iannolo saves the day and rescues this food illiterate from disaster. (Read more...)
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Search and Seizure
by Jennifer Iannolo
You didn't actually think I was going to wax politically, did you? (Read more...)
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Sacred Sex, Animalistic Sex, and Other Seductive Theories
by Joseph Rowlands
The opposite of a bad idea is not always a good idea, and there's no substitute for thinking. (Read more...)
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Tuesday September 28, 2004 |
Jeeping to Ouray
by Adam Reed
Jeeping is when this animal's mind challenges reality by driving a superbly agile machine, one of the mind's noblest products, into fun. (Read more...)
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'Making the Genius Quicker': A Complete Hiftory of Man According to Hif Divers Delightf (Part Two)
by Peter Cresswell
With the brief exceptions of Classical Greece and Julius Caesar, human beings celebrated the arrival of beer for the next several thousands of years by being permanently plastered. Talk about overdoing a good thing.
Eventually, from out of the east appeared The Great Redeemer ... (Read more...)
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'You Smell of Goat': A Complete Hiftory of Man According to Hif Divers Delightf
by Peter Cresswell
When wildebeest and wild beasts roamed the plains thousands of years ago, early man roamed with them ... and often provided them with a good meal. A successful hunt was all such poor creatures had to celebrate: the high point in mens' bleak existence was (very occasionally) roasting a wild beast over an open fire. Then, for just a few brief moments in their short and brutal lives, when their bellies were full and their bodies warm, their thoughts could (at last!) roam to higher things. With the kill they had bought themselves time to think.
And what was it they thought about? What great realisations did they come to? After much skull-sweat they concluded that , in the immortal words of Tom Waits, 'twere better to be a good liver than to have one. (Read more...)
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An Unlikely Friendship
by Kathryn S
My friend Billy was a Communist, a Christian, and a skeptic, and nothing I could say would ever change his mind. How could I, a passionate Objectivist, truly be friends with someone who contradicted all of my values? (Read more...)
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An Objectivist World
by Joseph Rowlands
What kind of world are you fighting for? (Read more...)
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The Hacker's Diet
by Duncan Bayne
I strongly recommend The Hacker's Diet to anyone seeking to lose or gain body fat - it is rational, easy and free. I am a hacker (as defined by Eric Raymond), I am on the Hacker's Diet, and probably will be for the rest of my life. In the few months I have been on the diet, I have reduced my weight (20-day movi... (Read more...)
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Contributions of Post-Randian Philosophers of Human Flourishing
by Edward W. Younkins
A post-Randian or neo-Aristotelian self-perfectionist approach to ethics can be shown to support the natural right to liberty which itself provides a solid foundation for a minimal state. This approach gives liberty moral significance by illustrating how the natural right to liberty is a social and political condition ... (Read more...)
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by Elizabeth Kanabe
We all have images of people who don't quite seem to fit their 'status': the young genius, the crazy inventor, the hippie with a million dollar software company. We like to think that people are judged solely for their personality, ideas and contributions, and products are judged for quality. More often, though, we see businessmen in a suit. We know that appearance and delivery does account for a lot when dealing with others. (Read more...)
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The Ten Commitments
by Barry Kayton
What does Ayn Rand's philosophy mean to you in practice? (Read more...)
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Schools and Values ... with Acknowledgements to Ayn Rand
by Lindsay Perigo
The Hon. Lindsay Perigo, host of the Politically Incorrect Show, has been appointed Minister of Education at gunpoint, & made to produce a list of values for state schools to promote, since it has become clear that no one else has a clue. Here is what he has come up with: (Read more...)
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Getting Back On Your Feet
by Paul M. Kay
Objectivism, it is often asserted, is a philosophy for living on Earth. It is a philosophy for living one's life with joy and exuberance. (Read more...)
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Perfection in Life
by Elizabeth Kanabe
Perfection – it's something that we all strive for. (Read more...)
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Anger Management
by Joseph Rowlands
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger; anger leads to hate; hate leads to suffering." - Yoda (Read more...)
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Time for a Tune-up
by Christy Little
My mom gave me a lot of advice as a kid, and as a rule, I benefited from it. Don't climb tall objects, she said. Do your homework before dinner, then relax. By opting out of these two rules, I managed to bang up my body pretty well. (Read more...)
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The Public-Private Ethical Distinction
by G. Stolyarov II
This essay is a treatise defining and classifying privacy in ethics from an Objectivist perspective. It addresses questions such as the foundation of privacy, and which general categories of affairs it is best for an individual to retain private as a matter of proper etiquette. (Read more...)
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Thursday September 4, 2003 |
 The Elixir of Youth
by Lindsay Perigo
Of Swamp Sirens, Mountain Tops ... and Fire in the Belly! (Read more...)
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True Love is Expressed
by Matthew Graybosch
"It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge." -- Voltaire (Read more...)
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I Know What I Need
by Matthew Graybosch
People lie to me all the time. Advertisers tell me that all I have to do to be sexually attractive is to drink the right brand of beer or wear the right brand of clothes. Religious people tell me that I have to accept their brand of mysticism in order to be happy. Politicians tell me that if I hand over just a little more of my freedom then they will make all the world's problems just disappear. (Read more...)
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The Way to First Base
by Elizabeth Kanabe
Imagine the following baseball game. The players in the field are lined up and ready as the first batter comes up to the plate. As the pitcher pitches the ball, the player takes a swing, misses, and runs to the first base not understanding why the others aren't continuing the play. He gets upset and refuses to return to bat. (Read more...)
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Second thoughts
by Tibor R. Machan
It's important to challenge one's most deeply held beliefs. (Read more...)
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Virtuous Living (13 of 13): Conclusion
by Joseph Rowlands
That's the major Objectivist virtues. In each of these cases we can see the moral principle that defines the virtue, and we can see that it can be interpreted in a couple of ways. (Read more...)
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The Glory of the Rice Cooker
by Jeff Landauer
Going out to a nice restaurant every once in a while for a great meal is definitely part of living the good life. But for every day calorie consumption there is little to rival the glory of a rice cooker. (Read more...)
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